Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fredericksburg, Texas

I woke up moody this morning. Nothing like a pilgrimage on a hill to take a brain break.

See that hill...It took me 30 minutes to reach the top. Hum....I socialized on my way...

Under the supervision of chaperons. Why don't they trust me??

This water feels GOOD!! 
My problems seems meaningless when I am thirsty. Nothing matter more than a DRINK.

This pilgrimage is fastidious. I need a break... How many do I need? Oh I know, how about relaxing by the water...This tree tickles me.

It is a CACTUS. Where is civilization?? Any Starbucks around. Ok...never mind...where's the water?

Pedernales Falls is heaven. It watered my mood with hope. It took beauty a second to fill me with gratitude.

Moral of the Story
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for” - Epicurus

Dauphin Island, Alabama

The only place where I don't have squirrels to chase, but I am too busy chasing crabs on the beach. One day I raced two crabs into the water. Yummy, yummy!!
Who is teasing who?? Mr. Egret waited until I was close to take off!! And here I am playing Michael Phelps!!

What was I thinking?? I can hardly swim, HELP.

Let's go back, quick, I am almost out of breath.

Moral of the Story

St Augustine was right,
"There is something in humility which strangely exalts the Heart."

Let's go back home...